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"All told, the Carroll Sisters set the right tone on “Daybreak,” paying homage to their mentors while also asserting their own musical personalities and interests – and in so doing, give listeners quite a lot to look forward to as Nora and Emilie continue to build on what they’ve done thus far." -- Sean Smith (full review)

"When you listen to their new album, “Daybreak”, you’d never know you are listening to ladies so tender-aged. The music is strong and confident—like players far older and more experienced." Marc Gunn (full review here)

"“Daybreak” is a bright, optimistic album from a pair of sisters who have a very bright musical future ahead of them. The tune selection is fabulous and the sisters play with fine musicality. The ideas they explore are sophisticated and interesting, and they successfully walk the fine line between tasteful detail and over-embellishment, which is an admirable achievement." --Dan Neely (full review)

"The Carroll Sisters put on a lively show that connected with the audience. Their music, dance, and audience interaction are all stellar. So much goodness coming from these young ladies! I'm so glad we have been a part of their tours at the Red Stone Pub! Our guests are always looking forward to their visits!" From Marc Lubetkin, Proprietor, Red Stone Pub, Simsbury, CT

"The Carrolls Sisters did an open-air charity concert for Simsbury Food Closet in our neighborhood this past summer. They were exceptionally good! Not only were they brilliant fiddle players, they were funny and totally engaged with everyone attending. We cannot wait to have them back next year!" From Jolanda Mey

"I attended a concert last fall to collect donations for the Simsbury Food Pantry. Nora and Emilie were amazing! Not only are they extremely talented, but they were quite the entertainers! A very enjoyable evening." From Sue M

"This past summer we hosted The Carroll Sisters at a neighborhood concert to collect food for our local food pantries. From Heather (mom) who arranged the players, to Sean (dad) who helped set up the equipment out of our garage, to the girls and Sammy, it was the easiest, most pleasant fundraiser I have ever organized. They played outstandingly, wowing our crowd of neighbors. Their command of their instruments, and the tunes, is truly wonderful. We loved them and if it weren't for Covid, we would be recommending them all over!" From Erica B

"Our neighborhood hosted the Carroll Sisters for a food drive concert during this time of need (all their idea) and it was a huge morale booster and wonderful evening. Our friends brought lawn chairs and their dinners and sat socially distant as families and thoroughly enjoyed their performance. Not only are they amazing musicians and have really good souls, they walked us through each song selection with humor and grace. Our friends requested another event the instant it was over! I wholeheartedly recommend seeing them perform any chance you get as their fan base is growing by the day!" From H. Duncan

"The Carroll Sisters put on such a wonderful show in our front yard. We can't thank them enough for bringing our neighborhood together for an evening of great music and fun. Together we donated over 40 bags of food to the local food pantry." Holly P.

"The Carroll Sisters made my neighborhood a happier place amidst a pandemic crisis! These two young musicians and their cellist performed a beautiful concert of fiddle music right on my front lawn in our cul-de-sac. Neighbors and friends could bring their lawn chairs and listen and enjoy. It was so lovely to have every piece introduced and see how they connected stories to their pieces. I loved how varied the repertoire was. It was a hot day and the sun shone right into the Carroll Sisters' faces, but that did not faze them one bit. Like the Blues Brothers of fiddle music, they carried on and their music sounded through all of the neighborhood so that neighbors could enjoy the music right on their back porches as well. I thank the Carroll sisters for putting in their time to play music for a good cause and to delight my friends and neighbors! It sure was a highlight of this summer." M.F.
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